Places of Interest in the Karo Land

Sinabung Mountain 
Sinabung is truly mountain mountain karo which were among the few districts in the land karo, this mountain is also the highest mountain in sumatra north with an altitude of 2460 meters above sea level. Unfortunately the mountain is now raging, hopefully do not rampage again, because many of my relatives there ... 

Lau Kawar
Sinabung below there are no less beautiful lake, although the lake is quite small about 200 hectares, but the scenery was really beautiful, especially for those who want to enjoy the original natural landscape. 

Sibayak Mountain 
2094 m bsl is administratively located in the Village of King Berneh or better known as Spirit Mountain Village, Kecamatan Simpang Four, Karo District about 60 km from the city of Medan. Climbing the mountain to this location is not too difficult, even for beginners though, as long as the climb we will see good sights to the area around it. throughout the climb we can also enjoy roasted corn ready to eat.

Hot Water Bath Debuk-Debuk
 The bath is not far from Berastagi town, here we can enjoy bathing in sulfur water, other than warm water, also all be clean up your self from skin disease ... oho

Waterfall  Sikulikap 
On his return from a hot water bath debuk debuk, especially for those who want to go back to the field, could also took a look at turbulent waterfall sikulikap whose locations are Berastagi-field trip

Waterfall Sipiso-Piso 
Our little town turned eastwards Kabanjahe we will find Sipiso-piso waterfall which is located approximately 24 km to the north Kabanjahe toward Lake Toba, is a famous waterfall with a height of approximately 360 feet before flowing into Lake Toba. This area has beautiful scenery which directly faced the lake Toba, and would be exhausted directly to Lake Toba plesir ...
Berastagi Town 
The city is located between the cities and towns Kabanjahe field. I think this city is one of the coldest cities in Indonesia, especially at night, because of its location right in the surrounded by mountains and is also located in the area of ​​mountain slopes. Besides the temperature is suitable for tourists from the cold temperate countries, also in this city we still will find plenty of historical relics are still preserved. besides that if you want to shop cash fruits you can land karo get it easily here.
In addition to the places that have little described above, in fact there are very many cultures that are still not tersebutkan karo here.

For those of you who feel less well informed, can find out on the internet is like looking at or for those who are curious can simply come to visit 

For the above places you can start from the town field, public or private bus about 1,5 - 2 hours to Berastagi Berastagi town you can stay at the standar hotel available, from Berastagi town you can start to arrange your schedule around as much.

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